Meeting the Big Guy in Red

by Rumour Miller on November 27, 2006

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I don’t have to report how well this 1st visit went. You can all see by the huge smile on her face. We had a glorious day! I could not have asked for a better baby even if I had choosen all of her qualities myself. I heart her!

Piper and I have been at my parents place for the last week. Craig has been working too hard. Initially the plan was for him to use this time in the evening to work on our basement….. needless to say his over time cheque should be perrrrty! Work has been very busy for him and I suppose with all that over time he could hire someone to do the basement for him.

In honour of my American friends Thanksgiving holidays (it is much more of holiday in the States than it is here and ours is in October). I have so much to be thankful for and not a day goes by that I do not count my blessings, not a single day.

I am thankful for my husband. We were put on this earth to find eachother and I know that is true. I am thankful for Piper. That baby makes my heart sing, my face glow, my mouth smile, my heart swell and my eyes sparkle. I am thankful for my parents and my sister. I have never had more in common with my mother than I do now. Now that I am a mother. Sometimes, it is hard to believe that she loves me as much as I love Piper… but I know that she does and it is pretty humbling. I never could have known that love if I had never had a child. I am thankful that I am able to stay home with Piper for an entire year (or even longer).

Those are my immediate thoughts of thankfulness and I won’t bore you any further…. we could all go on forever about what we are thankful for.

Happy belated Turkey day to my American friends.

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Lora November 27, 2006 at 10:53 pm

Yay! I love Piper’s smile for her Santa Claus picture! Priceless~!

Happy Thanksgiving — well, kind of. Because you’re Canadian and all and you don’t celebrate it quite like when do (and when). Maybe next year, you and Piper can come to NC to visit us for Turkey Day 🙂

soralis November 28, 2006 at 8:46 am

What a great picture… this year my boys will not have anything to do with Santa so I don’t think I will be getting any wonderful pictures this year.

Kitkat November 28, 2006 at 11:39 am

What a great Santa pic! I hope Andrew does just as well when we take him.

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