Month 25 – Letter to Piper

by Rumour Miller on April 6, 2008

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Dear Piper ~

“Look at me.” is your catch phrase these
days. You are so proud of everything that you
do. You are back in your kitchen cooking up
a storm. It has turned out to be a good
investment on our part.

You and Daddy have been going to Kindermusik
on Saturdays while Mama stays home and rests.
You get a chance to sing, dance and burn
off all that winter cabin fever energy.

You are really blossoming at your day care
and we have noticed such a difference in
the games you play and all the new words that
you are picking up. You will often close
your eyes, lean on a chair and count.. two,
free, two, four and then yell, “here I come!”

So Daddy will hide and you have a blast finding
him. It is so cute.

You are certainly becoming more challenging as well.
With your blossoming personality and increasing
independence, we wonder if we are doing things right.
All we can really hope for is that you are raised to be
respectful of others, well adjusted and happy. And,
well, let’s be honest… some manners would be great

We are trying to prepare you for the upcoming arrival
of your little sister… this is not an easy task. Although
you do the cutest thing by yelling “Hello Baby” at my
belly, I’m certain you haven’t a clue what is really
going on in there. Time will tell how well you adjust
to Bug’s arrival. Mama’s hoping for a smooth and
easy transition.

25 months old today, Piper. Last year at this time
Mama was enjoying her last few days at home with
you before returning to work…. and two years ago
at this time, Mama was just getting into her Mama
Groove. If I could turn back time, I would go back
two years and hold my precious first born in my

Mommy loves you, Sweetest Pea.

Love Mama.

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