My poor Bambina

by Rumour Miller on November 15, 2009

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is sick again. And it breaks my heart. I don’t know how families cope when they have chronically ill children. And I’m thankful our children are relatively healthy.

We had Davi to a walk in clinic this morning because she has started coughing again and we were all out of her puffers. We thought that it would be a pretty easy visit with a prescription for her. Well over an hour later, the Doctor said she had an ear infection and was very chesty. His explanation was that it could just be her asthma or it could be pneumonia. Then he suggested that we bring her back tomorrow for a chest x-ray.
We filled her prescriptions and talked back and forth about whether or not we should just take her to the Children’s Hospital ER. I hate this! The last two times we had this discussion, we took her in and both times she required ventolin through the mask.
So off Craig went with my youngest Bambina to the Children’s Hospital… while I sit at home worrying with my oldest Bambina.
I don’t really consider Davilyn chronically ill, but she does have a condition that (if left untreated) could be fatal. And I can’t get that picture out of my head of my 7 month old at the Children’s Hospital with a mask on her face because her oxygen levels were dangerously low due to RSV…
So, I hate this for my little girl. I hate this for us. I hate second guessing myself and wondering if we are over reacting my taking her to Children’s. In her less than two years of life, she has been there three times and I know that there are many children who spend much more time there and I am thankful… but I still hate it!
Davi has croup. Which is a symptom of the flu. She is being tested for H1N1 and they are giving a prescription for Tamiflu. They are also giving her steroids as we speak, for the croup. I am so glad that we took her in!
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sky girl November 15, 2009 at 6:23 pm

I hear ya. When my babies have a cold or something, it's like the end of the world. My heart goes out to parents who are dealing with chronically ill children.

Jen November 16, 2009 at 8:40 am

My sister's dr, told her the same thing. And Nolan woke up today with the worst sounding cough… I guess I'll be calling the dr. myself today. UGH!

Pauline November 18, 2009 at 10:48 am

As mothers we do what we need to do. It does not matter if other people think you are over reacting…you are acting and that matters. Your calling as a mother is to keep your children safe, happy and to love them, you are doing exactly that! Trust yourself…mother's instinct!

Rumour Miller November 18, 2009 at 4:16 pm

The hardest thing is to see our babies sick.

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