If Patience

by Rumour Miller on November 22, 2009

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could be bought, I would be first in line.

We baked cookies today, and for the most part, Piper was good. She enjoys it, we make a mess and she tests the dough.
Davi watched and participated as much as she could but it was smack in the middle of nap time… but she was having none of it. And still letting us know that it was nap time.
If patience could be bought, I would be first in line… because we tried to get her to nap. She declined. Again and again. But she continued to let us know that it was in fact nap time.
Piper was getting whiney and restless. So I made icing for the cookies. Reminding her to be careful and not to lick the spoon unless she was done. She’s been sick and we don’t want to share that.
So after she dropped her spoon and cookie full of icing, I got her a new one and then she licked it clean and used it again. So I set that cookie aside and declared that she was done.
If patience could be bought, I would be first in line.
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Piccinigirl November 23, 2009 at 11:23 am

oh Rumour, I'd be right behind you. 🙂

hope the cookies tasted divine.

Rumour Miller November 23, 2009 at 8:41 pm

I try my best since patience is my weak point… but I'm working on it and we will make cookies again!

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