Send help, STAT!

by Rumour Miller on August 16, 2010

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Craig started a new role at work in March. Which has made for a very busy husband but also means that he will be doing some travelling. Not the fun, family vacations but travelling for work. You know, where you roll into the city (in this case Chicago) after dark, find your hotel and go to bed, get up and go to work, back to the hotel, sleep… only to do it all again the next day.

He has gone once already for a week (I bailed and took the 3 Divas to my parents for the week) and is scheduled for another week at the end of the month…. and then again in September sometime. I can’t keep running off to my parents when he travels…. so I will be alone. For a week. With the 3 Divas. No one will have my back. No break. No tag team effort. Not looking forward to it.
So don’t be surprised if you see an urgent message from me that reads, “Send help, STAT and bring wine.”
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Sam August 18, 2010 at 6:07 am

Its so tough when they're gone, but I find it much easier then to have a girls night or fly solo for a shopping day with much less guilt. Wish I lived closer, I would be over in a flash with some vino! 🙂

Rumour Miller August 19, 2010 at 2:11 pm

Me too!

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