Month 72 – Letter to Davilyn

by Rumour Miller on July 1, 2014

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Dear Davilyn ~

We just spent 8,000 kilometres in the car together.  It was fun (for the most part) but we sure had our moments.  I’m so glad we did that road trip vacation together.  So many memories made for our summer 2014 and it has barely even started.  I am so thankful that I was able to do this with you and your sisters.  It was just as I imagined it would be.  Including all the whining, crying and fighting!  I hope that when you look back on your childhood, this stands out as a pretty freaking awesome memory.  Because it was… pretty freaking awesome.

You have finished kindergarten and will be off to grade one in the fall.  You had a wonderful report card and I’m so proud of you.  You moved from the only school and friends that you have ever known and you blossomed.  Moving can be very hard and adjusting can be even harder but you did just fine.  You made friends quickly and you had a great year.

I am so happy for you.

I’m confident that you will continue to do just fine.

Let’s enjoy our summer together before we start living in the world where my beautiful Davilyn is in Grade One.

Mama loves you Doodle Bug,

Love Mama





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