Got Milk?

by Rumour Miller on March 16, 2006

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I don’t.
At least not enough of it.
Piper isn’t getting enough from me to thrive
and gain weight. This is effing hard.
Almost harder than trying to conceive her. I said, ALMOST.
We have options.

The last two nights, she hasn’t gained weight.
Right now we are nursing with a supplement afterwards
and will see how this goes for the next two days.

I am ready to switch to the bottle and give up the nursing.
Craig wants to try this route for the two days and see. I
am okay with giving it a try because now I know what my options
are and that we can make the decision to bottle feed.

If we bottle feed, we will do it the same way as the nursing.
I love the skin to skin contact with Miss Pea and the way she
snuggles right into me and sighs… then of course immediately
falls asleep!

These challanges make me a stronger person, woman, wife and mother.
They also clearly display my heart on the outside of my body for the
entire world to see just how much I love Piper.

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BonnyT March 16, 2006 at 2:51 pm

I believe it is just circumstance, NOTHING else, that is preventing this. You should be proud of yourself, Nicole.

Best wishes with whatever route you take over the next 2 days…

Mel March 17, 2006 at 6:00 am

Breast feeding is HARD, they make it look so easy but its not. It was not easy for me. And then my doc said my milk was no good after a month of trying. Anyway, my kids are thriving teens now so dont feel bad if it doesnt work out. I felt like a failure but thats not the case! Hang in there!

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