26 weeks

by Rumour Miller on January 15, 2010

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I am now 26 weeks (and 3 days if you want to be exact) and in 10 weeks we could possibly be living with three girls. This has been the quickest pregnancy for me, the most tedious and certainly the one with the most doctors visits.

I had a fetal assessment a week ago and Diva 3 is perfect (and not too big, which is a concern for this diabetic Mama). She was weighing in at approximately 2 lbs and all her little bits looked good. We also got a really clear shot and she is most definitely a Diva.

We are slowly getting ready and trying to get organized for the arrival date but I’m not entirely sure how we are doing on that front. We have some organizing to do in the shared bedroom and some to do in Diva 3’s room as well. It has been slow going but I am starting to get excited for her arrival. I cannot wait to hold that wee babe against me and rock with her. I cannot wait to see what she looks like and who she looks like. I cannot wait to see Piper be a big sister all over again and for Davilyn to experience it. I also cannot wait to be able to roll over in bed without grabbing onto something for assistance (the mattress or Craig’s arm… anything). I also cannot wait to be able to bend over and put on my shoes or socks without it taking my breath away.
And… although I am soooo going to miss being pregnant and having a newborn, I am getting closer to being so ready to be three and done. We still talk about having another one, but the conversations are more along the lines of how insane we would be to do that. The closer I get to having Diva 3 here, the closer I get to closure. I just hope it stays that way.
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Rachel M. January 16, 2010 at 5:24 pm

Best of luck! These next months are going to fly by!!!

Rumour Miller January 16, 2010 at 8:39 pm

That they are! It's hard to believe.

Piccinigirl January 19, 2010 at 8:32 am

wow, no picture..LOL 🙂

So glad that you're almost there and closer to that closure. I can't wait to see Diva #3 and say Congratulations.

wow, that DID fly by.

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