Month 49 – Letter to Piper

by Rumour Miller on April 6, 2010

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Dear Piper ~

How much do you love being a big sister! You were pretty excited the year Davilyn was born and your excitement has grown even more! You love holding Quinn and touching her hands and giving her kisses. It’s hard for Mama to give you an opportunity during the day to sit on the couch and snuggle (since I need to be right there with you) so each night before bed we snuggle on in my bed and you hold Quinn.

I hope we are creating a bond to last a life time.

You have been pretty defiant with us lately and it has been quite frustrating. I only hope it is your reaction to everything that has been going on and that it will soon pass.

The weather has been pretty great here and we are all looking forward to summer! Daddy & I cannot wait to get out and do some camping with our family of five! Mama will be off this summer and we will be certain to make the most of it.

You are my big girl now, Piper. With two little sisters to “teach” and care for. I can hardly believe it… my big girl.
Mama loves you , Sweet Pea.
Love Mama
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{ 1 comment }

Sam April 9, 2010 at 2:26 pm

So so sweet, I love it!!!

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