Month Eleven – Letter to Piper

by Rumour Miller on February 6, 2007

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Dearest Piper –

Happy 11 month birthday, Sweet Pea. You are such a darling little girl even when you are being a total stinker. We have had a few problems with your sleeping habits and it was pretty hard going for a few days there. You just did not want to nap and you wanted nothing to do with going to bed at night. I’m not sure how we did it, but not only did we get your napping schedule back on track, you are napping for 1.5 hours at a time. It has been a while since you napped like that.

You have become such a busy little girl and you try hard to get into everything. You are pulling up on everything and cruising around the living room. It won’t be long and you will be walking. I cannot believe it! Often I sit and watch you play and I am so amazed at the little “person” that you are becoming. You love to laugh, giggle and bounce while you are sitting on your bum. You and Molson are becoming buddies and we often chase him down the hallway and then he chases us back. You LOVE that game. Most recently you have discovered the fun in throwing his ball for him to go and get. Your arm isn’t that great just yet, so it is more of a roll than a throw but Molson doesn’t care and neither do you. It was Gramma that noticed you were trying to play this game with him.

You have now also realized that when you are eating you can also feed Molson. One night, when Mommy was giving you your supper, you did just that and you laughed your little ass off. One piece for Piper, one piece for Molson and then you would laugh a big belly laugh. I was paralyzed by all the cuteness that it completely slipped my mind to grab the camera and tape all the action. Although I am sure we will have many more opportunities to get it all on record.

You have started giving kisses and will even give your Piglet some too… although you often finish his kiss off with a bite. Speaking of bites, you have FOUR teeth now! Two on the bottom and two on the top. Those bites are starting to hurt and I just don’t know how to get you to stop. I’m trying though, as the last thing I need is for you to bite one of your little buddies at playgroup. Mommy is pretty sure that she can see at least one more tooth on top bulging at your gums and only hopes that it makes it arrival quickly. I hate seeing you go through that pain.

Grammy and Grampy arrive today and are staying long enough to celebrate your first birthday with you. I know that I cannot stop you from growing up and deep down I wouldn’t want to. That’s the fun in being your Mommy, watching you grow, explore and learn new things… but I am a wee bit sad that this past year has gone by so fast. I always knew that Mommyhood was going to be rewarding and so much fun but I guess I didn’t expect it to be THIS much fun. I don’t want to go back work. I want to stay home with you and watch you grow everyday. I don’t want to miss a moment. You are such a happy little girl and a wee bit of a show off. Gramma and Auntie Michelle came to visit and when they got here you spent the first hour entertaining them with your little antics. You were such a ham!

I do not know what our future holds but if Mommy goes back to work, you need not question my reasons for that. It will be the hardest decision that I will ever have to make and certainly would much rather be home with you.

The next letter that I write will be in celebration of your first birthday… it is hard to believe that it was almost a year ago that you were born because that day remains so vivid in my mind. I can never tell you enough how much you mean to me and I can never tell you enough how very very much you are loved…

Mommy loves you, Sweetest Pea.

Love, Mommy.

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Lora February 5, 2007 at 10:25 pm

Happy 11 months, sweet Piper! Your Mommy really knows how to write tear-jerking letters. I hope you always remember how much she loves you, even when you are 13 and being grounded. I love these pics, Piper, you are SUCH a pretty girl!

soralis February 6, 2007 at 8:48 am

She is adorable… your letters are amazing something you will always treasure.

They grow so fast it’s truly amazing!

Kitkat February 7, 2007 at 9:29 am

She is so stinking cute!!! And your letters are always so wonderful.

Ladybug Ann February 12, 2007 at 1:21 pm

Wow, time flies. Happy 11 months, Piper!

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