Separation Anxiety

by Rumour Miller on June 9, 2009

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Boo has some serious separation anxiety… she absolutely freaks out when I turn my back to her.  I don’t even have to be leaving the room.  Piper went through some separation anxiety but not to this degree and she is much more a daddy’s girl than a Mommy’s girl.  Davilyn is a serious Mommy’s Girl.

I think my daycare is feeling challenged.  Yesterday was not a good day for either of my girls.  Whenever Davilyn would cry (which apparently is often), then Piper would cry… then Piper would say to Davilyn, 
“It’s okay baby, you just miss Mommy.”
As sweet as that is… please don’t rub it in.  Today was a much better day for both my girls but it didn’t start off that way. As Piper was putting her shoes on she started crying saying she didn’t want to go.  “I miss Daddy.”  Then finally, “Davilyn is going to cry and miss you Mommy.”
They are just going to settle in and then we are taking them out for holidays… fair or what!
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{ 1 comment }

Heather June 10, 2009 at 5:30 am

Ugh! The only thing I ever found that worked with our Phoebe on separation anxiety was to leave her when she was having a meal or a snack. She never cared where I was or what I was doing when she was eating. But once the separation happened, she'd completely forget about me. Hang in there. It will get better.

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