Top 10 Reasons Why My Husband Rocks

by Rumour Miller on August 7, 2009

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10. He is my biggest fan. He cheers me on no matter what it is that I am doing (or tell him that I plan to do). He encourages my desire for a work/life balance and supports my decision to work part time and stay home with Thing 1 and Thing 2. He encourages my passions and my hobbies.

9. He watches The Food Network, subscribes to recipe emails. This translates into some pretty awesome meals in our home (when time allows). He does all of the cooking when we are BBQing and, let me tell you, those meals are pretty fantastic!
8. He cleans my van on a pretty regular basis (even if this means taking it somewhere for it to be done).
7. He always cleans the cat’s litter boxes. Enough said.
6. He is pretty handy around the house. He painted our bedroom, two bathrooms and our hallway as part of my Christmas gift last year. He has changed most of the electrical fixtures in our home (from off white to white) and he put together our Home Theater Room in the basement.
5. He lets me sleep in on weekends!
4. He is a hard worker. Both at work and at home. This man knows how to clean a kitchen! Something that I clearly suck at… most of the time.
3. He has gorgeous blue eyes. Enough said.
2. He balances me out. He tends to be stronger in areas that I am weaker at and vice versa.
1. He gets up at night with our babies… at all hours. He gets up to tend to cries and potty breaks and when it was needed, middle of the night feedings. I am seriously one lucky Mama.
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sky girl August 8, 2009 at 9:34 am

He sounds like the perfect man!

Jen August 9, 2009 at 7:26 am

You are one lucky mama!!

Rumour Miller August 9, 2009 at 9:19 am

He is perfect for me!

Sitting In Silence August 9, 2009 at 9:03 pm

Great Post…

Piccinigirl August 11, 2009 at 1:02 pm

you lucky, lucky, lucky girl!!!
what a man!!!

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