3 Divas

by Rumour Miller on November 7, 2009

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There will be in our house come Spring 2010! 3 Divas for me!

We are 99.9% sure, although we didn’t get a great shot. At first I thought I saw a twig and berries and I got really excited, because… well, I just couldn’t believe it.
The tech was not so sure. Then a few decent shots only revealed three white lines and we all know what those mean.

Check out our 3rd Diva giving her legs a long stretch!

And this is me with Piper (attempting a Ginger Bread House, that didn’t turn out… but still taste great!) and my 16 week 3 day bump.

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Soralis November 8, 2009 at 12:13 am

Congrats! Enjoy!

Piccinigirl November 9, 2009 at 12:32 pm

wow, well as Harry from SATC says, "it's my Lot in life to be surrounded by beautiful women" ..how amazing. HUH?

that's awesome news, will we be hearing names before she gets here?

much congratulations..and you look GREAT!

Jen November 9, 2009 at 1:44 pm

YEAH!!!!! Congratulations on your 3 girls…

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