My Morning Routine

by Rumour Miller on January 3, 2011

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Is about to change in a big way.  I will be going back to work 3 days a week in February and with 3 Divas (4 if I count myself) to get ready in the morning, I have my work cut out for me.

While I am home on maternity leave, my morning routine isn’t very structured.  I wake up when the girls do and we go to the kitchen where my morning coffee is waiting for me to brew it (thanks to a wonderful husband who gets it ready for me) and we sit at the kitchen table together and have our breakfast.  It is one our more peaceful times of the day since the girls are still sleepy and so am I.  We talk about what we are going to do for the day or we talk about any dreams that the big girls might have had the night before.

Right now, I am working one day a week out of the house.  My morning routine on that day is drastically different.  For that one day, Craig works from home.  He is here in the morning to help me get the girls fed and ready for day care.  It is so hectic and I have almost no time to sit with the girls at the breakfast table.  When I am back to work three days a week, I will have to manage that morning routine on my own for two of those days.

Here is what needs to happen in order for that morning to go well.  The girls’ day care bag must be packed and ready to go.  There is no further discussion on this.  There is no room to move on this.  It must be ready the night before.  I hate running around at the last minute grabbing things that need to go with them for the day.  I have 3 Divas to send stuff for. Piper really does not need much but I still send a change of clothing for her just in case she needs it.  We are still potty training Davilyn and she is still having accidents.  She needs multiple changes of clothing as does Quinn.

Let me tell you, if this bag isn’t packed and ready to go, it ruins the flow of my morning and potentially my day.

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Share with me what you need to do or have for your morning routine to flow nicely.

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Tanya January 3, 2011 at 4:44 pm

It has to be a no bullshit kinda moring for sure. No time to lay around playing with a toy, no time to watch the morning news to see what the weather is like, no time to deal with meltdowns and squabbles. Its a pretty tight ship here, one that took a few weeks to work out. You can’t feel the love in our house at that hour of the morning, all I hear is hurry up and come on to keep them both moving. Your morning coffee will be to go in a travel mug, I have muffins in the fridge for my breakfast since I rarely eat with them. Good luck! It sure is crazy here!

Kir January 4, 2011 at 11:17 am

HI sweets,
well I put ALL our clothes out the night before, even John’s. 🙂
I leave bags at daycare…on Fridays I empty the bags (their sheets , thier extra clothes etc) and take them home, wash etc…and on Sunday nights, I pack those bags again…with what they will need all week…or that season. (sometimes they go weeks without needing an extra outfit) so I pack up those bags and leave them there (my kids have cubbies at daycare/school)
other than that, I try to be up when our alarm goes off at 4:30..and at the latest be in the bathroom at 4:45….so that by 5:30 or so, I can go downstairs and start making breakfast etc…they get lunch and snacks at daycare, so I don’t pack that.

It’s not always perfect and I don’t spend any real time with the boys in the morning other than dressing them etc…but we make it work.

GOOD LUCK, I know it will be hard…but YOU will find a way, I know it. 🙂
Kir recently posted..Merry &amp Bright

Kara January 4, 2011 at 11:17 pm

I’ve begun following you lately and I wish you luck spending more time in the working world (and getting kids out the door in the morning!) Other comments/suggestions are great but another one is to simplify breakfast. Our oldest has always had a nutrigrain bar and, if not done when we need to leave, it goes in the car with him. Our youngest likes cereal and it is the biggest pain–he takes FOREVER to eat it. Next school year our schedule will include bar or toast for breakfast (or dry cereal!)

No matter how tired, prep the bags and shower the night before. It will make your mornings so much better. Not perfect, but better!

joseph January 6, 2011 at 4:23 am

i like it

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