Month 32 – Letter to Quinn

by Rumour Miller on November 23, 2012

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Dear Quinn ~

Sweet Child O’ Mine.

You are funny and cute and you keep me on my toes. You talk, you sing, you dance.

I love your “cheese” face when I take your picture.  Your hugs are pretty great too.

You love pasta and milk.  You will almost always ask to try what it is on Mama or Daddy’s plate.

You love snow and riding the snow machine.  The roar of the engine has put you to sleep.

You love Eggos and eggs and all the Christmas lights.

You are getting big and skating with your sisters.  You ask me each week if you can play too.  My answer is always the same, “some day”.  And I’m excited for you to play even if that means you are growing up … fast.





Mama loves you Chicken Dinner

Love Mama

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