Month 99 – Letter to Piper

by Rumour Miller on June 6, 2014

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Dear Piper ~

You love to fish. We have only managed two trips this year and only one fish worthy of bringing home but you still love it. The school year is winding down and next year will see you in Grade 3. Your Dad and I decided to take you and Davilyn out of school a week early so that we could drive to Nova Scotia and see Grammy & Grampy. It’s going to be a long drive there and a long drive back but it will be memorable. This will be a trip that you will remember when you are taking trips with children of your own.

We saw a commercial for Marine Land (Niagara Falls) and you and your sisters all started talking about how you soooo wanted to go to Marine Land. I can’t tell you how many times I saw those same commercials growing up (they haven’t changed much) and wanted the very same thing. So I looked at your Dad and we both just kinda knew that this will probably be a stop on our trip.

I’m pretty sure that it is going to be a pretty spectacular vacation and when we arrive home it will officially be summer and Rainy Lake will be waiting for us. I can’t wait for it all!

Mama loves you, Piper.

Love Mama.


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