Our Hockey Trio

by Rumour Miller on October 15, 2014

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Another hockey season is under way for our family (and families all over the country). For the first time, we have all three girls playing.  Despite the fact that Davilyn announced her retirement at the end of last season, she was easily convinced to get back out there when she saw both her sisters skating.  It took her a few weeks of sitting in the stands, watching.  At each practice she would comment that she wanted to go out on the ice and skate too.  I had to remind her that she couldn’t do that unless she was registered to play hockey.  She has moved up to play Novice and will be playing with Piper this year.  Unfortunately, I will likely never see our Hockey Trio on the same team.

Quinn is playing her first year and so far she seems to be enjoying it.  She is pretty proud of herself and we are too.  At age four, she can almost completely dress herself.  She knows what equipment she needs to put on first and needs a little bit of assistance with adjustments and tying up her skates.

Piper continues to love when she is on the ice.  Her goal this year is to learn to raise the puck.  So I hope she meets her goal and exceeds it by using that to score a few goals.  My goal for this year is to cheer louder and be prouder.

Hockey Trio

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