Month 111 – Letter to Piper

by Rumour Miller on June 6, 2015

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Dear Piper ~

You and I are a lot alike.  You are so much like I was growing up.

I didn’t like dresses or skirts.

Like you, I’d rather skates and a glove.

Playing basketball and baseball and soccer.

You would rather have mini sticks than nail polish… although the nail polish has interested you lately.

You love to go fishing.  And you actually like to fish and not just enjoy the snacks that I pack to bring along.

You keep asking to play baseball next year.  We went out a few weekends ago and you joined a group to practise and scrimmage.

With some practise, you will be a good ball player too.

You and I are a lot alike that way.

I love that about us.

Mama loves you, Magoo.

Love Mama

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