Month 100 – Letter to Davilyn

by Rumour Miller on November 1, 2016

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Dear Davilyn ~

Another Halloween has come and gone.

All the candy spread out on the table and the floor.  Sorting what is safe for school and what is not.  Sugar highs all around.

The weather was a bit miserable, wet and rainy but we powered through and you still had a great time.  Although Halloween has turned into more of a chore than a treat for me… I am really trying to enjoy these years while you are young.  I’m sorry when I am impatient or frustrated.  Once we get going out of the house, it is always fun for everyone.  Another mom said, “Why are we all here?”  But honestly, Davilyn… and I hope you and your sisters always know how much your Daddy and I love to do things with you and spend time with you.

Even if it means getting wet and cold on a rainy Halloween night.

So I vow to enjoy these last few years of trick or treating that we have together because before I know it, you will be on your own with all your friends and your Daddy and I will be sitting home alone wishing for a constant flow of little ones in costumes to be knocking on our door.

Mama loves you Spiderella Doodle.

Love Mama.


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