Month 104 – Letter to Davilyn

by Rumour Miller on March 1, 2017

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Dear Davilyn ~

Oh what a hockey season!  You scored goals, you defended the net, you high-fived, you won games and you lost some but best of all you made new friends.

Soon it will be March break and we will spend some time together.  Our plan to go away for the week has been cancelled but we still plan to go away for a few days and have some fun and spend some together as a family without the chaos of a hockey schedule.  I can’t wait to spend that time with you.

I am starting to get ready for the slippery slope to summer.  I am looking forward to life being a little more relaxed.  When the days get longer and the sun gets warmer.  When we can float in the pool and cruise on the lake.  When our nights get a bit later and our mornings aren’t as early.

So much to look forward to with you!

Mama loves you Doodle.

Love Mama.


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