Happy 7th Birthday, Quinn!

by Rumour Miller on March 23, 2017

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Dear Quinn ~

Today you are seven.

And my eyes are teary and my heart a wee bit sore… because I forgot to cherish some of my last times with you.  And I find myself thinking, “How could you forget to remember that!”  Like the last time that I rocked you to sleep and patted your back while you dozed off.  I can’t remember that day and I find myself searching my memories…. willing myself to remember it.  Because I will never get it back.

And today you are seven.

I remember the big last times, like the last time we will have a fist lost tooth or the last time we will have the very first day of going to school but I’m struggling with the smaller memories and my heart is just a little bit sore and achy.

No more baby.  No more toddler.  No more high chairs or diapers.  No more rocking you to sleep.

Because today you are seven… and it’s the last seventh birthday to celebrate for our family.  And I know that I am going to miss these days.  These busy, hectic moments, I know that I will someday miss.  Just as I find myself missing the rocking chair and your sweet scent and heavy breathing as you rest in my arms and drift off to sleep.

We spent a few days at the Mall of America taking in the rides and you are finally big enough and brave enough to ride them all.  And you didn’t look back.  You didn’t care that this was a big moment for your Dad and I as we watched you and your sisters on the Spongebob Square Pants Rock Bottom Plunge Rollercoaster.

Your dad looked at me and sighed, “she is finally big enough to join them.”  And we both knew in our hearts what exactly that meant.

Because today you are seven and we will never get these days back.

You are lively and spirited.  You are stubborn and silly.  You love to listen to music and sing.  You love Princesses and wearing dresses.  You are a perfect you and even though there are days we butt heads, I know there is no other you I would wish for you to be.

You are perfectly Quinn and my heart explodes with pride and love at the mention of your name.

Happiest of birthdays to my sweet (last) seven-year old.

Mama loves you, Quinn.

Love Mama.

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