Month 116 – Letter to Davilyn

by Rumour Miller on March 1, 2018

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Dear Davilyn ~

Hockey is starting to wind down and you are ready for the break.  We have it marked in our calendar and can’t wait for May to come so that we can fill our pool.  You have some real special friends in your life and it’s certainly a highlight from play hockey.

I know sometimes you get down on yourself and if, for one day, you could see you through my eyes you would see just how awesome you are.  You are a good friend with a kind heart.  You think about others before yourself.  You skate hard and work hard.  You are smart and do so well in school.  You are good at math and science.  You love to read and it shows.

You are an amazing girl with so many amazing qualities.

And I love you more than you will ever know.

Love Mama.


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