Month 109 – Letter to Davilyn

by Rumour Miller on September 1, 2017

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Dear Davilyn ~

I think I might actually be on time for this letter! We have had a chaotic but fun summer.  After our move things didn’t slow down much but we have certainly enjoyed it.

Daddy put in a lot of work and put up a pool for us.  We have spent so much time together as a family swimming and enjoying our summer.

We went to Las Vegas in August and you absolutely loved it.  You loved the Michael Jackson shows that we saw and you just really enjoyed the lights and hustle and bustle of the strip.  We enjoyed the hot days in the pool and the evenings taking in shows.  You absolutely loved the Slotzilla Zip line and you even encouraged me when I was feeling too nervous to step off the platform.

It was a blast zipping along Freemont Street with you.

Then you went back to school.  Grade 4 and a new school.  A new bus route.  But you handled it like a boss and were so tired but happy when you got home after your first day.  I think it’s going to be a great year for you.

Mama loves you Doodle Bug.

Love Mama.

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