Month 138 – Letter to Piper

by Rumour Miller on September 6, 2017

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Dear Piper ~

Another school year has started.  The older you get the busier you are and the busier you want to be.  There are so many things that you want to try this year and it keeps us on our toes.  Plus add to the mix your sisters and their activities and we have a calendar full.  Your dad and I can relax and stay at home when you are able to drive yourself!

Grade six this year.  You are growing up so quickly and you spend so much time now having your friends over.  It’s fun to listen to you play board games and hang out in the pool.  Then you are off shooting pucks and taking your sisters to the library.  So many adventures big and small this summer for all of us.

I’ve recently been told that we are too busy to spend time with.  Yes we are busy, Piper and you are too but those that want to be in your life will do what they can to be in your life.  They will understand and be accepting when you say that you can’t spend time with them because you already have plans and other commitments.  Those that love you will still ask because it is important to find the time.  Even if it is only for an hour.  If someone is ever telling you that your life is too busy for them to bother, that is their loss and not yours.  Even though it might hurt when you realize it.

We spent some time with friends on the long weekend.  We finally, after many times of trying to set up a visit, were able to make our schedules and theirs connect.  And it was worth the wait.  We had so much fun visiting and talking and swimming and eating.  We wish we were able to do it all the time.

Soon hockey will start and basketball and you will have a packed scheduled.  Your friend wants you to join youth group but said she understands if you cannot because she knows that you already have so much going on.  She’s a keeper in your life.  The other keepers in your life are those that love you for you and cherish your friendship.  I see many special friendships in your life and you are blessed.

I hope you have a wonderful year of learning and friendships.

Mama loves you Magoo.

Love Mama.

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